Each one according as they purpose in their heart, so let them give, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
– 2 Corinthians 9:7 –
This year, we have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with our Longview & Kilgore community for Christmas! New Covenant has partnered with Meals On Wheels to provide Christmas gift boxes for families needing a little extra love during the Christmas season.
Starting Sunday, November 26th, we will have gift boxes available for pickup in the lobbies at both campuses. We ask that you take a box, fill the box with items from the Christmas wish list for this person/family (which will be located inside the box), and return the box during the week of December 10th. You are welcome to go above and beyond! Be creative – write handwritten notes, add sweet treats, and other fun things!
On December 17th (the Sunday Before Christmas), we as a church body will get together and take the boxes to the homes of these families. We will deliver the gifts, pray for them, and show them the love of Jesus!
We know you are a generous church, and you love so well – we are excited to see what God is going to do through you this Christmas season!